APRIL 5th, 2024
NEW video from a live concert at Giant Steps, Svendborg – August 2023
The Danish Music Award nominated album, was released June 30th 2023: Morten Haxholm Aether – available as CD, LP and STREAM.
Line up:
Lubos Soukup – Sax
Rasmus Oppenhagen Krogh – Guitar
Nikolaj Hess – Piano
Jakob Høyer – Drums
Morten Haxholm – Doublebass
FEBRUARY 23th, 2024
New live video with my Danish Music Awards nominated, nordic indiejazz band: AETHER
Video from a live concert at Giant Steps, Svendborg – August 2023
The music is the last part of 3 (and the outro) of the Morten Haxholm original: “The Chalice and the Rising Sun”. It’s only got 4 chords, and a little bit of melody – but I love the open vibe here alot!
JANUARY 30th, 2024
Thanks for an amazing tour round Denmark: Copenhagen, Engelsholm, Horsens, Odense, Kolding and Ribe.
Here is a small video from our last concert at “Termansen, Ribe” – playing my tune “The Rain Is Full of Ghosts Tonight”
JANUARY 1st, 2024
Glæder mig til januar og spille en fin lille turne med dette projekt med det 21-årige britiske saxofon fænomen Emma Rawicz her i Danmark! Hun har for alvor slået igennem i UK, er for ganske nyligt blevet udgivet på det store tyske jazzlabel ACT samt spillet på adskillige europæiske festivaler – hun er godt på vej til at blive det nye store saxofonnavn i Europa!
Repertoiret bliver kompositioner af Emma Rawicz og Morten Haxholm, samt udvalgte jazz standards; en skøn blanding af afrocubansk inspirerede rytmer, benhårdt swingende moderne jazz, krøllede melodier og funky oddmeter grooves.
Emma Rawicz (UK) – Sax
Søren Møller – Piano
Morten Haxholm – Bas
Morten Hæsum – Trommer
Håber vi ses derude! Klik link for mere info… 🙂
27 JANUAR kl 12.30: Workshop Kolding MGK
NOV 18th, 2023
Nice review in the biggest Danish Jazz Magazine: “JAZZ SPECIAL” – out today november 18th . LINK 1 LINK 2
Tak til Jazzspecial for de flotte ord og anmeldelse!
”Et smukt værk. Stemningsmættet gennem alle otte originale kompositioner, hvor der bliver spillet lydefrit, stilsikkert og med bidrag til albummets æstetik. Det er en præstation at fastholde så klar en stemning og timbre gennem en næsten fuld time. Det gælder både de enkelte musikeres præstationer men også den sikre produktion albummet igennem.
I overensstemmelse med genren bevæger musikken sig på kanten af en ambient tilgang, hvor oplevelsen af de enkelte numre flyder over hinanden, og musikken næsten bliver en meditativ tilstand mere end en distinkt historiefortælling. Det er en genre, som blandt andet tysk ECM har arbejdet med gennem årtier.
…Selvom der er referencer, har albummet tydelig integritet og mange lag under den uniforme overflade. Små historier dukker op, skifter farver, solopræstationer kigger frem og afløser hinanden. Følelsesregisteret holdes i ave og afdæmpede let melankolske univers, hvilket bidrager til den meditative oplevelse. Man bliver fast holdt i en kærlig og varm stemning.
…AETHER er et stærkt og overbevisende album med indlevet og markant spil fra samtlige musikere.”
Thanks to Jazzspecial for the nice words and review!
Translated from the biggest Danish jazz publication:
“A beautiful release. Saturated with atmosphere through all eight original compositions, where they are played effortlessly, confidently and with a contribution to the album’s aesthetics.
It is an achievement to maintain such a clear mood and timbre throughout an almost full hour. This applies both to the performances of the individual musicians but also to the controlled production throughout the album.
In accordance with the genre, the music moves on the edge of an ambient approach, where the experience of the individual tracks flows over each other, and the music almost becomes a meditative state more than a distinct storytelling.
It is a genre that, among others, German ECM has worked with for decades.
… Although there are references, the album has clear integrity and many layers beneath the uniform surface. Small stories appear, change colors, solo performances appear and replace each other. The emotional register is kept in a subdued and slightly melancholic universe, which contributes to the meditative experience. You are firmly held in a loving and warm atmosphere.
… AETHER is a strong and convincing album with vivid and distinctive playing from all the musicians.”
October 24th, 2023
Nominated for a Danish Music Award Jazz (“Danish Grammy”) for “Composer of the year”.
Prize show Dec 5th at VEGA, Copenhagen. See more at Jazz Danmark (in danish): LINK
June 30th 2023
Thanks to Ivan Rod for this very nice review!
5 star review of the album: ”AETHER”
Listen to ‘Aether’ once, and you will think that behind the artistic expression lies a virtuoso routine and a rare sense of interplay – in addition to, of course, some solid compositions.
Since Haxholm has at the same time put together a terrific team of musicians: Lubos Soukup on saxophone and clarinet, Rasmus Oppenhagen Krogh (and in a supplementary position, Steffen Nordenstam) on guitar, Nikolaj Hess (or Søren Gemmer on piano) and Jakob Høyer, it all ends in UG.
The music is rigorous, stylistically clear. It is spherical, minimalist and melodic. Yes, in long stretches poignant. For example, listen to a dynamic/organic track like Vesper, and you will (cf. the title of the track) feel transported to a sacred universe at dusk.
There is at once something redeemingly beautiful and oppressively wistful about the track, indeed, like most of the tracks on the album.
Throughout, they are minimalistic, refined and beautiful. Just like the solo parts that are included. In moments, the music borders on neoclassical chamber music. In other moments up to the modern jazz, with the particularly Nordic melancholy. In any case – it’s beautiful! *****
June 30th 2023
New Record Out!! AETHER by Morten Haxholm
October 23, 2020.
NEW EP with Michael Møller & Foreign Lands released today. This indie/folk band is a collaborative effort – with the talented songwriter Michael in front. He writes lyrics/melodies to the band members demos – and we arrange some of his songs in a more folk-ish setting. Super cool band! 🙂
Here is a (danish) review of the album: 5/6 stars: *****
Youtube video of the title track: “Everything Is New Tomorrow”
October 23, 2020.
New album out – I play some doublebass on the album “Cura” by the talented Liva Mo:
Link tree to stream etc:
Link to review: (4/6) ****
September 24, 2020.
Playing a few concerts with “LaLaBaj” – an ensemble playing music from different composers from the composer collective: “ToneArt”. Tonight at Kolding Musikskole. There is a link to video of the concert here: (Was a live stream concert – edit)
July 31, 2020.
Playing concert tonight 19.00 @ Studenterhuset, Odense. During Odense Jazzfestival 2020.
I play with the Morten Haxholm Contemporary Quartet: with a handpicked repertoire focusing on some of my favorite songs from my 7 albums. 🙂
March 30th, 2020.
NEW VIDEO – and new album coming April 3th with:
Morten Haxholm KOAN Quintet – this is the first track on the album: “Glomgold”:
March 9th, 2020.
NEW VIDEO – and new album coming April 3th with:
Morten Haxholm KOAN Quintet – this is the first single and the title track of the album: “Avalon”.
February 2, 2020.
Looking forwards to some spring gigs with the lovely people & music in Penny Police
January 29th, 2020.
A few new gigs with Lubos Soukup Quartet:
31st Jan, 22:00 – Christiania Jazz Club
1st Feb, 21:00 – Studenterhuset, Copenhagen
January 6th, 2020.
Happy new year!
New live video with jazz greats Jonathan Kreisberg & Ari Hoenig; “All or Nothing at All” is one my favorite jazz standards, i just love the melody and chords – here played in a bright 7/4 feel.
If you are a little geeky with rhythms (like me), there are some cool and musical examples of 4, 5 and 10 (and 5/4) over 7/4 in this take.
November 24. 2019
Play new and old compositions in Lubos Soukops extremely hip and adventeurous large band/ensemble over the next days!
November 2oth, 2019
Another cool pic from the Penny Police tour, here from last weeks gig at Mantiuz.
October 20. 2019
Cool shot from the Penny Police show at Radar.
October 18th 2019
Had a awsome show with Lubos Soukop Quartet – featuring LIONEL LOUEKE!
October 16th 2019
Cool concerts coming up!
Lubos Soukop Quartet Oct 16th @ Børneteateret, CPH
Lubos Soukop Quartet + LIONEL LOUEKE oct 17th, Paradise, CPH
Penny Police + Greta tonight Oct 18t @ Musikcafeen, CPH
Penny Police + Greta Oct 19th @ Radar, Aarhus
Asger Techau NOV 2nd 2019 @ Vega, CPH
September 20. 2019
Awsome to play at Reeberbahn festival in Hamburg 2019!
September 12. 2019
Nice concerts with Lubos Soukup Quartet coming up – and later this fall with special guest: Lionel Loueke! Always nice to play Lubos’ intricate and original take on modern jazz.
September 4. 2019
Looking forward to some nice concerts this fall and spring with the lovely indie pop band Penny Police.
September 1. 2019
New review of “Vestigium” from NYC jazzrecord :LINK
“Copenhagen-based Haxholm writes the most rhythmically and harmonically challenging compositions. Fortunately, for Vestigium, his sixth outing, he recruited guitarist Jonathan Kreisberg, pianist Nikolaj Hess and drummer Ari Hoenig (with tenor saxophonist Frederick Menzies on three cuts), whose impeccable skills prove more than equal to the task. Kreisberg and Hoenig, who played on two of Haxholm’s previous albums, are particularly impressive for their ability to navigate and elevate the pieces. Sure, Kreisberg easily burns over the opening minor blues “Occam’s Razor” and even the title track (in 5/4 time), but he’s just as facile on “Deep Sea Explorer”, a chart with thorny metrical modulations (rapidly shifting from 6- to 5- to 4- to 3-beat bars in the first section) and altered “Coltrane changes” (based on “Satellite”) in the next. Hoenig is vibrant throughout, equal parts ecstasy and precision.”
August 26. 2019
Was featured as question subject in the biggest life-style television program in Danish televison: “Kender du typen?” LINK
May 10th, 2019
Inspired by the shift of ”modal” groove/sound – to walk – in tunes like: ”Short Story”, ”Jinriksha”, ”Afro-Centric”, I’ve composed a new tune called: ”One for Joe””
May 10th, 2019
From last weeks concert. This one is called “Serendipity”:
I’ve composed some new material for a project with tunes by – and inspired by – jazz great Joe Henderson. Inspired by some traits of the tune ”Serenity”, I’ve composed a new tune called ”Serendipity”. Quite a few of the chords are the same, but in a new order. And another trick Joe also used: minor chords moving in minor thirds…
March 1th, 2019
Proud of having played some electric fender bass on this album, by Asger Techau: “Descendence”. Released today March 1st!
October 30th, 2018
Another live video from my recent album; “Vestigium” – this song is called “A World Without End” – and is dedicated to my late grandmother.
September 17, 2018
2 new reviews of the new album: “Vestigium”:
“Vestigium finds a band that is driven by swinging drum swirls and bopping piano and guitar crescendos,
enclosing and lapping around striking ostinatos and telling melodic lines.”
Art Music Lounge review: CLICK HERE
“In all, a superb album of consistently good group improvisations. I wish some of Haxholm’s American counterparts would listen to this!”
September 14, 2018
5/5 star review in All About Jazz! *****
New modern jazz album “Vestigium” with Morten Haxholm Quartet feat Jonathan Kreisberg & Ari Hoenig out today!
Review: https://www.allaboutjazz.com/vestigium-morten-haxholm-story…
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/dk/album/vestigium/1421144939?l=da
Buy Physical Copy: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07G235ZRQ
”Projektet er støttet af Koda Kultur / With support from Koda’s Cultural Funds” – THANKS to DMF, KODA & DJBFA for finacial support!
August 14th, 2018
In exactly one month, September 14th 2018, my 6. album as a leader will be released internationally on Storyville Records.
As a little appetizer for the album: “Vestigium”, I’m releasing a few live videoes – here a live version of the first song on the studio album: “Occam’s Razor”
July 6th, 2018
Playing a few gigs during the jazzfestival:
07.07.18 – 13.30 : CUBRA (cuban/brassilian music) @H9 CPH JAZZ
08.07.18 – 11.30: Morten Haxholm Quartet (modern jazz) @ H9 CPH JAZZ
08.07.18 – 17.30: Cecilie Strange Quartet (modern jazz) @ HUSET i magstræde
09.07.18 – 15.00: Johan Bylling Lang Quintet (groove jazz) @ DROP IN
10.07.18 – 11.30: Cecilie Strange Trio (modern jazz) @ H9 CPH JAZZ
12.07.18 – 17.00: “SomeHandsomeMen” (groove jazz) @ H9 CPH JAZZ
14.07.18 – 17.00: Morten Haugshøj Kvartet – feat Jesper Løvdal + Anders Mogensen @ Klostertorv, Århus Jazzfestival
June 12-17, 2018
Playing with TipToe Bigband @ Odense Teater:
April 16th, 2018
Playing a few cool gigs in the near future:
April 19, 20.30 @ Huset, Aalborg: “Foreign Lands & Michael Møller” – Modern indie folk
April 26th, 20.00 @ Godset, Kolding: “Lubos Sokoup Quartet” – Modern original jazz
May 4th, 20.00 @ Nordsø Records, KBH “Asger Tehau EP Release – Indie Rock
April 5th, 2018
The new york based trumpet player, Eric Siereveld, have record one of my (co-written with Jonathan Kreisberg) songs on his new album – released today!
The song is called “Occam’s Razor”
March 5 – 16, 2018
Playing the show “Catch me if you can” with TipToe Bigband at Odense Teater.
January 31, 2018
Playing som nice concerts next few days:
Lubos Soukop featuring Lionel Loueke
7th feb, 22:00 Christiania Jazz Club, København, Denmark
8th feb, 20.00 Trutnov, Jazzinec, Czech rep.
9th Feb, 20.00 Praha, Czech rep.
10th feb: 23.00: Michael Møller & Foreign Lands: Strib festival
Edit – found a photo from Lubos Soukop in Trutnov:
December 12th, 2017
New video, playing with super czech saxplayer Lubos Soukop, and his quartet: featuring Lionel Loueke
November 17th, 2017:
I played electric bass on this lovely indie pop song by Asger Techau.
Full Ep coming in 2018!
September 23 th, 2017
playing with Asger Techau in:
September 23th: Kansas City Odense
September 27th, Ideal Bar, KBH
September 28th, Plantagehuset, Thy
September 4th, 2017
Playing a few concerts with Michael Møller & Foreign lands:
20th OCT, 20:00 @ Bastionen, Nyborg
4th SEP, 20:00 @ Tivoli, CPH
July 18th, 2017
Playing with TipToe Bigband featuring Lucy Woodward:
July 19th, 17:00-18:00 @ Tøjhuset, Aarhus
August 5th, 20:00 @ Amfiscenen, Odense
(Edit, found some video from the concerts aftwards:)
June 29th, 2017:
New Album ” Tesseract” with my new band: “Morten Haxholm Chordless Quartet – featuring Melissa Aldana” is now released as digital download!
Melissa Aldana: Sax
Mads La Cour: Flugelhorn
Morten Hæsum: Drums
Morten Haxholm: Doublebass & Compositions
May 5th, 2017
Playing for her majesty the queen of Denmark, tonight at the official opening of the grand & new venue: ODEON in odense.
April 21st, 2017
Today the sparkling new album with Michael Møller & Foreign lands is released! So grateful to be asked to play with theese guys, and I’m really looking forward to playing with them live!
March 31st, 2017
Nice photo from our show at JazzFest BRNO: Lubos Soukop Quartet featuring Lionel Loueke
March 25 th, 2017
Playing a nice little tour with Lubos Soukop quartet – featuring Lionel Loueke!
26.03. reduta jazz club, Praha 21:00
27.03. jazzdock, Praha 19:00
28.03. vrchlabi, kedel, 19.30
29.03. jazzfest brno, 19:30
30.03 Giant Steps, Svendborg, 20:00
31.03 Kvarterhuset, København, 20:00
01.04 Studio Recording album
January 25th, 2017
Playing some nice concerts, playing all new material, and with a super band:
Jonathan Kreisberg – Guitar
Ari Hoenig – Drums
Nikolaj Hess – Piano
Morten Haxholm – Doublebass & Compositions
Catch us at:
FRE 27. JANUAR @ JAZZ6000, Kolding